
Shooting for Free

Some don't want to pay that for a photographer. 

Most photographers know one friend or associate that will ask to shoot an event for no compensation.  It gets annoying because that person does not respect photography as a business.  There are bills, and equipment maintenance and upgrades are not cheap.

However, despite that, there are instances where it is okay to photograph for free.  This article will list a few examples. 

Example 1: Building the Portfolio

Ideally, a portfolio, the most important selling point a photographer owns, should be ready before becoming a professional photographer. That said, a photographer has to start somewhere, and a rookie photographer to shoot an event or two for free in order to build the portfolio, and build potential clientele. 

Please note that if the business or person says a photographer cannot use the photos for a portfolio, tell them to pay you or walk away.  At that point, a photographer will have nothing to show for service and effort.

Example 2: Tax Exemptions and Charity

In the United States, a non-profit organization with the proper credentials can give a tax voucher, in exchange donating photography prints and materials such as CDs (but not services and time, as widely believed).  Nevertheless, the photographer will feel good about helping a great cause, and it helps with gaining experience.  The tax relief helps as well.  

Example 3: Personal Projects

Some photographers have projects that they like to work on solely for the artistic value or personal interest.  When shooting for compensation, creative control can be stifled because client wants and needs take priority.  By shooting a personal project, you will not receive money, but it gives you complete creative control.


There are more examples, but the general idea is that as a photographer you always shooting free in exchange for something else, whether it is for money, charity, or personal reasons, or just for fun.   A photographer shoots a friend because the photographer enjoys working with that person?  Yes – he or she is doing it for fun. 

The friend that wants a shoot at a crowded club that the photographer hates for no compensation?  No fun or personal benefit?  No interest?  No photographs!  

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